Intake & Marketing at Personal Injury Firms: Two Critical Departments Working Together

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

  You often hear us talk about how Intake is the lifeblood of your PI firm. While that is true – something that is often overlooked is the critical relationship between intake and marketing. If marketing efforts are working and intake is operating efficiently, you […]

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You are on the Clock: How Setting a Trial Date Can Drive Your Case Value

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

As a trial lawyer, you already know how much of a dance it can be to get an insurance company to acknowledge your client’s losses and then do what they’ve contracted to do, which is to make your client whole. There’s one sure way to […]

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The Power of Collective Wisdom: Collaborating on Complex Personal Injury Cases

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard   Collaboration amongst our 60 lawyers has been a critical element of the firm’s success. Even our most experienced lawyers find that they benefit from routine analysis and input from our up […]

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